San Diego Stone Veneer

The home is a reflection of the homeowner. Aesthetic choices are made with care and attention, from the exterior paint color to the interior design elements. If you have been thinking about stone veneer on your San Diego house but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, hire a professional concrete company to help you explore your options and make an informed decision.
San Diego Concrete Company can provide expertise in all aspects of installation, including where to place the stones, what style works best for your neighborhood or aesthetic preferences, and how much maintenance will be required after installation. Working with professionals ensures that your project will turn out just as you had envisioned it!
We know stone veneer well – we’ve been helping homeowners add stone to their San Diego homes for decades – and we know stone veneer is not right for every home. We are happy to sit down with you, look at your plans, tour the exterior of your house or building site if needed, discuss options and features available in stone veneers today. San Diego Concrete Company will help you make an informed decision about stone veneer that is perfect for your needs! Don’t wait any longer – call us now at (619) 940-1580.
Wide Range of Stone Veneer Uses
Stone veneers offer unlimited possibilities for stone accents in your San Diego home. Whether you want the stone to cover the entire façade of your house or just a few accent pieces, a stone veneer is perfect for any exterior project.
Kitchen Areas
Stone veneer can be used on the walls of kitchen areas to add texture, color, and stone accents to your home’s interior. If you are looking for something different in your kitchen or bath stone veneer is a great option!
Dining Room
Adding stone veneer to your dining room is a great way to update the look of your home. Stone can be added in multiple ways, from covering entire walls and floors or just being used on countertops and tables for stone accents. We are happy to discuss options with you!
Stone tile has been common bathroom material for decades – but stone veneers offer even more possibilities when it comes to stone accents in bathrooms these days. Stone tiles have been popular because they add beauty, color, texture, and depth while also providing a slip-resistant surface that makes them perfect for showers and bathtubs underfoot. Veneered stone offers many of those same benefits without some of the drawbacks associated with natural stones.
Pools and Outdoor Areas
You can stone veneer an exterior area of your San Diego home to add stone accents, whether you are looking for something functional like a fire pit or just want stone tile on your pool deck. Stone veneers offer the beauty of stone without many of the drawbacks – they require less maintenance than natural stone while providing a similar look! We would love to help you explore how stone veneers could be used in any outdoor area of your house.
Future Walls of Your Home
Stone veneers are perfect for stone accents on the future walls of your home. A stone accent wall can be a beautiful addition to any room – and a stone veneer is a perfect way to add stone accents indoors or outdoors without installing actual natural stone that will require lots of maintenance!
Contact San Diego Concrete Company
San Diego Concrete Company experts will help you determine which type of stone works best with your plans both aesthetically and financially. We offer free design estimates so that we can get all of the facts about what you want out of stone veneer before making any recommendations. Contact us today at (619) 940-1580 if you have questions about adding stone veneers to your San Diego home!